All of our students worked so hard to prepare for the spelling bee. Congratulations to the winners! We're so proud of all of our students.
Mandatory Falll Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on November 13 and 14. There will be no school on Thursday, November 14 and Friday, November 15. Elementary Students Click on the button below to sign up for your conference time online. On the spreadsheet, click on the tab with your student’s teacher(s) located at the bottom of the page and type in your full name and your student’s name. You may have to hit the arrow button to the right or left to find your teacher’s name(s). Please fill in only the white open time slots. Time slots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are unable to use the online sign up, fill out the physical sign up form sent home with students and turn it in the GCA Office. Your conference schedule will be sent home with report cards on November 5. Junior and High School Students
Junior and Senior High students conferences will be in an open format in the gym on Wednesday night and Thursday. Parents/Guardians must meet with their student’s homeroom teacher, but all other Junior High and Senior High teachers will be available as well. This will be a first come first served basis. Please call the office with any questions. |
September 2023