We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired word of God; inerrant and authoritative in the original writings; the final point of reference and authority in all matters of Christian faith and life: God’s Holy Word being the objective creedal standard which judges either sin or fruitfulness. (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:20-21)
We believe in one God, Creator of all things, eternally existing in three co-equal persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That they created the earth in six literal days and rested on the seventh. (Deut. 6:4; Heb. 1:3; II Cor. 13:14)
We believe the Father is sovereign and immutable in all His ways, sending His Son to accomplish His will on earth as it is in Heaven. We, therefore, acknowledge our dependence upon God as a school, a community and a country. (Deut. 4:39; I Chron. 29:12; Ps. 29:10; Ps. 33:12)
We believe Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man and recognize His virgin birth, sinless life, sacrificial death, bodily resurrection and ascension, and reign at His Father’s right hand in glory. (Isa. 9:6-7; Dan. 7:14; Matt. 28:18, Jn. 1:1-2; Col. 2:9; Heb. 1:3; Heb. 12:2)
We believe in the ministry and power of the Holy Spirit as He convicts, regenerates, seals, indwells, guides, and instructs individual Christians: empowering the Church to reveal the glory of her divine husband, Jesus Christ. (Jn. 14:15-17; Jn. 16:7-15; Rom. 8:11; 2 Cor. 1:22, Tit. 3:5; 1 Pet. 1:12)
We believe in the necessity of salvation for sinful man, by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ, His shed blood and atoning death upon the cross; the only means to the forgiveness of sin and eternal redemption. This grace engenders love, and out of this love grows a desire to serve both God and our neighbor. (Acts 4:12; Rom. 3:21-26; Rom. 5:8-10; Eph. 2:4-10)
We believe that it is of the utmost importance to give our Lord Jesus the pre-eminence in all things, as Prophet, Priest and King, in view of His having been given, by His Father, all power and authority in heaven and on earth. (Heb. 1:1-2; Heb. 6:19-20; Col. 1:12-20; Ps. 29:2; Jn. 4:23-24; Phil. 4:4)
On earth, we are as it were, ambassadors for Jesus. Our command is to re-establish a testimony for God and His law in this nation and to equip our children to do likewise. We, therefore, believe it is our duty to teach them to keep covenant (maintain fidelity in their allegiance) with God, as our forefathers did. We unapologetically believe in a patriotism that promotes devotion to God and country. (Dan. 2:20-21; Dan. 5:21; Acts 5:17-29; Rom. 13:1-7; Tit. 3:1-7)